Glass Pitcher For Tea
These glass pitchers are perfect for serving tea, once the tea has brewed in your teapot. Transferring the liquor to your tea-pitcher and serving ensures that the tea does not over-brew and become bitter.
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These glass pitchers are perfect for serving tea, once the tea has brewed in your teapot. Transferring the liquor to your tea-pitcher and serving ensures that the tea does not over-brew and become bitter.
These glass pitchers are perfect for serving tea, once the tea has brewed in your teapot. Transferring the liquor to your tea-pitcher and serving ensures that the tea does not over-brew and become bitter.
No overbrewing here
No more over-brewed tea! These pristine glass pitchers not only present tea beautifully, they help ensure it’s served exactly how you like it and never becomes bitter. Once the tea has infused in your teapot to the perfect strength, simply pour it into one of these gorgeous full-bodied pitchers to ensure it stays that way.
Made from ultra-light yet durable, heat-resistant borosilicate glass, our Glass Pitchers come in three sizes, all following the same beautiful, fluid lines. Although the design is contemporary, the practice of serving tea in pitchers has a rich tradition in China – the home of Camellia sinensis – where it’s common to serve tea this way to ensure consistency in flavour and temperature.
As practical as they are pretty, these pitchers are microwave and dishwasher safe (we recommend placing them securely on the dishwasher’s top shelf).
Strong and durable mouth-blown borosilicate glass.
Caring for your glass pitcher
Borosilicate glass is made mainly of silica (70-80%) and boric oxide (7-13%), with smaller amounts of alkalis (sodium and potassium oxides) and aluminium oxide. Used in cookware and chemistry labs, it’s renowned for its resistance to thermal shock. However, as a glass product, a certain amount of care still needs to be taken:
• If the ambient temperature in your kitchen is low, warming up your Glass Pitcher For Tea before use will help it last longer. The glass is less likely to break or shatter if you warm it up gradually; this will also help the tea to steep more effectively as the water won’t lose heat when poured into the teapot.
• Once you have poured in the hot water, avoid resting the pitcher on cold surfaces. Rest it on a trivet or kitchen towel instead.
• To clean your pitcher, we advise rinsing with hot water and cleaning gently with a soft sponge. You can also place it on the top shelf of your dishwasher.