Gongfu Tea Brewing

Gongfu Tea Brewing

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The Tea Makers of London

Gongfu Tea Brewing

What is Gong Fu Brewing?

Gong Fu brewing is a style of brewing which originated in China. Rather than using a small amount of tea leaves to a large amount of water and letting it brew for several minutes, Gong Fu brewing using a much more even ratio of tea leaves to water, and brews for a much shorter amount of time, around 30 seconds for the first steep. You are then able to repeat this stage multiple times, gradually increasing the amount of brewing time with each steep. This allows all the different notes and complexities to come out of the tea, as no two cups will taste the same.


What do I need to Gong Fu brew?

It’s easier than it might sound! Oolong teas are the most popular to use, but Black, Green, White and Pu-Erh will all work beautifully too.  

All you really need to get started is a traditional Gaiwan and a set of cups or GongFu glasses to decant your brewed tea into.